Hey there. Welcome to the Email Archiver! Thanks for taking the time to review my latest application. I have spent many hours putting this together, and I have used it every day myself for over a month now. It has been a great tool for me. The Send Message/Reply features will work if your Internet Config 1.1 or above has a default email application set - it works best with Eudora Pro, though I have not tested it with Outlook Express or Musashi. Let me know....
If you like the application and wish to register your copy, you have two ways to do so. You could send me an email requesting my mailing address, then send a check or money order. Or you can register online with a credit card at kagi.com. Here are both addresses:
twoodruf@columbus.rr.com (email)
http://order.kagi.com/?UVO (online order page)
The price is $30.00, and, of course, the online ordering will be faster. Please take note that IF you create more than the 10 RECORD limit (actually 11, with my placeholder in there), the application will QUIT, and you will no longer be able to use it. At least not until you register.
Please don't hesitate to email me with questions, complaints, or suggestions - or compliments :-)